Thursday, September 6, 2012

What is the CDT and why is your child taking it?

What is the CDT?
  • The CDT (Classroom Diagnostic Tool) is an online test available for students starting in 6th grade.  There are three separate tests:  Mathematics, Science, and Reading/Literature.  The CDT consists of multiple-choice questions of varying difficulty.  The results of the test provide data related to each student's individual strengths and areas for improvement in each of those content areas.  The questions on the CDT are aligned to the content on the PSSA tests and Keystone Exams. 
What do teachers do with CDT data?
  • Teachers will use data from the CDT test to determine the educational needs of their classes as a whole, as well as the particular needs for each individual student.
  • From here, teachers will adjust their instruction to address areas where individual students and larger groups of students are showing a need for improvement.
  • Teachers can provide further enrichment and acceleration related to areas their students are showing strength.
How many times will students take the CDT this school year?
  • Students will take the CDT 2 or 3 times this school year.  The first administration starts this week, with the second happening later in the year.
Does the CDT count toward AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress)?
  • The CDT does not count toward AYP as the PSSA and Keystone Exams do.  However, it does provide valuable data for our teachers to use to best meet the specific educational needs of your child.
To find out more information: