All students received a fundraiser order form today for student council's annual fundraiser. Proceeds from the fundraiser fund student activities throughout the school year that benefit our students. The goal of the fundraiser is to sell $35,000 of goods. If our students reach this goal, Mr. Santini, a proud Penn State graduate, has agreed to wear a Pitt outfit, complete with jersey, blue and yellow mohawk wig, and other Pitt paraphernelia, for a day here at school. Needless to say, Mr. Santini is hoping we raise $34,999.99.
Mid-term progress reports were sent home with students yesterday. Addtionally, a Global Connect call was sent out to inform parents of those reports coming home. If your child had a grade of D or F in any class, an additional, more detailed progress report was also sent home for that class. If you have concerns about your child's academic progress, please contact the teacher or Mr. Santini.
The Central Cambria Education Foundation will have a table at the Potato Fest where they will be selling Central Cambria shirts that feature a rhinestone logo. Additionally, raffle tickets to win tickets to a Steelers game vs. the Chargers in December will be sold for $5 each. Please stop by and see us if you are going to the Potato Fest. Foundation proceeds support and enhance educational activities and initiatives that are beyond the scope of our school budget.
Spirit Week takes place next week at the middle school and high school. Students are encouraged to dress according to the theme for each day next week. We will end the week with a pep rally next Friday.