Thursday, August 24, 2017

First Day of School Recap

We had a successful first day of school at the middle school, with 411 students coming through the door this morning for the first day of classes.  This is the largest number of students we have had since the 2012-13 school year.  Students started their day in the gymnasium, where their first period teacher called their names and walked them to their classroom.  Sixth grade teachers assisted students with learning how to open their lockers.  All students were given their class schedules during first period, assigned a locker, and given school supplies to start the year.  Students were able to spend time in each of their classes today.  Lunch is usually a challenge on the first day of school due to our sixth grade students learning the procedures for the first time.  Our cafeteria staff did a great job in getting almost all of the students through the line by the end of the period.  All students had time to eat their lunch and were sent to their 7th period class when they were finished.  It was great to see the excitement on the faces of our students, the helpfulness of our teachers and aides as students progressed through the day, and the energy in the building as a new school year begins. 

Our student handbook is now available through this link:

Please review the handbook with your child, including school rules and information such as the dress code, cell phone policies, and other items of note.  We will be sending a signature page home later this week that will need to be returned to school.  The handbook will be posted on our website in the near future.  We are no longer having agenda books printed out, as we felt the money would be better served purchasing classroom materials and technology for students to use.

Special thanks goes out to our school counselor, Robin Ribarich, for her excellent work in preparing student schedules for the start of the year.  Kudos as well to our nurse, Jackie Springer, for ensuring that our students are in compliance with the new state regulations regarding immunizations.  I was pleased that we did not have to send any students home due to non-compliance with those requirements today.  Thank you to our parents for aiding us in this effort.  Finally, I need to acknowledge our teachers, who volunteered to help direct students to the gym this morning, assisted with lunch duty, and made the first day run smoothly for all involved.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time during the school year.  


Mr. Santini