Our Vision: A unified team educating, inspiring, and challenging students to succeed in the world. Our Mission: The Central Cambria Middle School will collaborate to support, challenge, and enrich all members of our school family.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Request for Pictures/Photos
If you have walked the halls of the new middle school, you have probably noticed that we are in need of some decoration in our hallways. With the old middle school now torn down, we would like to create a tribute to the old building while solving our decoration problem. We are planning to create some photo collages to mount above the lockers in both hallways, and we need your help. If you or somebody you know have pictures taken in the old middle school from any time between 1929 and 2011, we would like to have a copy to consider for use on this project. You can send scanned photographs to my email address at csantini@cencam.org or drop a hard copy off at the middle school. If you want the hard copy back after we scan it, just include a note to that effect. Thank you for considering a contribution to this project!